Doula Essentials Shop
Gecko Cloth
Gecko Cloth
This unique cloth stays cool without needed to constantly dunk it in cold water. A fantastic tool to help clients stay cool without soaking their clothes with a typical washcloth. As it's one of the most useful tools in your birth bag, you'll need 2, so we have special pricing :)
Some FAQ's
What are Gecko Skinz made of? – Gecko Skinz are made of a synthetic polymer called Polyvinyl Alcohol.
Can I put it in the washer? – Yes Gecko Skinz should be hand washed or machine washed in cold or warm water with liquid detergent. DO NOT TUMBLE DRY
How do I store it? – After washing Gecko Skinz wring as much water out of them as possible. Next, fold them in half and roll for storage. Towel will dry to a cardboard like texture. Do not bend while dry as towel may crack. To use again just add water to soften (Warm water works the fastest).
How long does it last? – For a single use roughly 1-4 hours depending on weather conditions, but no biggie, simply wet to reactivate. With proper care towel will last for years.
May I put my Gecko Skinz cooling towel in the freezer? – No. Please DO NOT put Gecko Skinz cooling towels in the freezer as they may become brittle. Adding cold/warm water and letting the Gecko Skin do its job is the way to go.
Why do you store it by rolling? – Gecko Skinz dry to a hard cardboard like substance. If the cooing towel is left to hang dry it would be impractical to carry it in that large hardened state as you cannot bend it after it is dry.
May I cut my Gecko Skin? – Yes. Gecko Skinz are lined with an inner mesh that strengthens the towel. Once cut the ends will not fray.