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2731 16A Street Southeast
Calgary, AB, T2G 3T3


When Survivors Give Birth - Calgary

Advanced Skills

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When Survivors Give Birth - Calgary

A one-of-a-kind workshop opportunity for nurses, midwives, doctors, childbirth educators, doulas, and counseling professionals who work with childbearing women.

When Survivors Give Birth: Understanding and Healing the Effects of Early Sexual Abuse on the Childbearing Woman. 

"The When Survivors Give Birth workshop opened my eyes to a very important aspect of my work. It gave me an understanding that I was lacking prior to attending and in turn improved my practice working with expecting and new families. I truly believe it should be mandatory for anyone working in maternal/child health."    - Jenn Goodwin CD(DONA), LCCE, CLE, President - Calgary Doula Association

An introduction for anyone who works with childbearing people and wants to learn about the impact of abuse on the birth experience.

  • Definition of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and other child abuse

  • Common manifestations of any type of child abuse on the childbearing woman

  • Unique manifestations of sexual abuse specifically on the childbearing woman

  • Neurological and behavioral sequelae of child abuse

  • Impact of childhood sexual abuse on conscious memory

  • Impact of childhood sexual abuse on the adult woman

  • Possible Impact of CSA on pregnancy

  • Possible Impact of CSA on labor and birth

  • Relationship between the woman and her caregiver

  • Modification of common childbirth preparation techniques for CSA survivors

  • Possible Impact of CSA on postpartum recovery, breastfeeding, and postpartum mood disorders

  • How to and how not to respond when a client/patient discloses a history of childhood sexual abuse

2 options to register - you can register for the workshop and include the amazing When Survivors Give Birth Book at a discounted price, or register without the book. There are limited spaces for registration with discounted book, so grab your spot now!

When Survivors Give Birth - Calgary
from CA$125.00

Recommended Reading

If you cannot attend the seminar we still want you to have this amazing information!  The companion book to the workshop of the same name is now available through Doula Essentials here in Canada!  Order here.

This book is important. We can't say that enough. Read more here.