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Doulas of Distinction - Rossana Keay

Heather Crossan

Periodic Profiles of our Passionate Peeps!

Rossana Keay CD(DONA), LCCE


Who is this doula? 

What can we say about Rossana?   Not only was she the very first Doula Essentials Doula to achieve certification with DONA International but she quickly joined the Calgary Doula Association executive committee and served the members as Public Relations Director, President, and currently, Past-President, and she did all that with a new baby, and birthing 2 more babies, within only 3 years!  

She never complains that she's too busy, or needs more downtime. If a doula, client or student needs her Rossana will be there in a second.  Her passion for supporting new families is infectious, she can't help but exude positivity. Being in her presence makes you feel better about yourself and the world in general. 

As soon as her doula training was complete Rossana took the birth community by storm!  Launching a successful and thriving business; My Doulove, completing certification in record time, and even passing the stringent Lamaze Certification Exam while 36 weeks pregnant! She is truly an inspiration and leader of the community, and was honoured to receive a well-deserved nomination for the 2018 Women of Inspiration Awards.

Rossana is a powerhouse. An amazing mom to 3 of the sweetest babes EVER as well as a passionate and dedicated doula!

A personal perspetive...

Have you ever felt like you were missing something in your life? Some purpose you were meant to fulfill but could not yet figure out what that was? 4 years ago those questions were answered for me and I discovered a gift within myself that I could give to others. Supporting and guiding women and families during their childbearing years has been the most rewarding and life-changing decision I have ever made.

My name is Rossana Keay. Mommy to 3 young children all under the age of 4. Wife to a supportive entrepreneur that helps me feed my passion for birth work. I am also Past President of the Calgary Doula Association and a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator.

My background was in technical sales and marketing. I wasn’t always drawn to birth and babies, though I always had a deep inner passion for empowering others. Once I started birthing babies of my own and with the support of my own doula, I knew that birth work was meant for me. 

Some of my clients tell me that I have a unique ability to connect with others, I have a soft and comforting touch and that I have a boundless amount of energy. These skills come naturally to me because I’m doing what I love. I believe in others and see possibilities in them and I always find opportunities for them to see what I see.

Outside of doula work, you can find me spending time with my family, vacationing in Vegas or singing karaoke. Most of all, you’ll hear me always sharing with friends and family how much I love my job. You see, it’s not a job when you really enjoy it everyday. My favourite explanation is when I talk about attending a home-birth in the wee hours of the morning. “It’s like this - Once I quietly walk into the home of a labouring mom, ready to meet her babe in the sweet dark hours of the night, it’s like being invited into a secret space, while the rest of the world sleeps, I get to witness a miracle.”

- Rossana Keay CD(DONA), LCCE